White Rock Pier

White Rock Pier at 8:35pm. After a day of the sun beaming, and heat radiating, I ended up here. Not exactly where I was expecting to end up, but that's the best things about last minute plans, seeing where the night takes you. It was chilly, the wind was blowing in my hair, but I felt a sensation of warmth in my body. The view of the pier, and then what seems like the never ending body of water, creates a feeling of euphoria within oneself. The tide was running low, as the Canadian flag blows in the wind, signifying a feeling of home. This is where you belong. The clouds are fading into the blue, and ever so slightly, orange sunset. It almost felt as though the sun never set at all, instead of setting slow. I close my eyes, i hear sounds of the birds chirping, and flocking to a climate warmer than White Rock. I also hear chattering from crowds of people, who are not social distancing, which is highly irresponsible in a time like this. I don't pay any mind to it, but instead I inhale, and exhale. I smell the fresh air, something we take for granted. I walk down to the pier, attempting to get a closer look in, but they have closed down the pier due to people not social distancing. The White Rock Pier is usually a place of social activities, but in the state that we are currently in, there is little to nobody, which is calming. It's nice to be in this environment without having loud noises of other folk. Just you, and the senses of nature.


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